Buddha’s Wisdom for Challenging Times 2022
A Seminar with Lama Öser – Friday 28th to Sunday 30th of October 2022
During this seminar Lama Öser will address how we can support ourselves and others in challenging times. Challenges like our own personal difficulties, the pandemic, climate change war and the cost of living can cause physical, mental, emotional, financial, and social disruptions in our lives. This seminar will address how to alleviate suffering through Buddhist wisdom and guidance, aiming to increase our calmness, kindness and compassion. We will use the Buddha Shakyamuni Treasury of Blessings text and learn how to rely on refuge in the Three Jewels.
You can attend this seminar by staying on-site at Gomde, or as a day visitor.
Payment for the retreat is on a donation basis.
The suggested donation for attending the whole retreat as a day visitor is between £60 and £100. For attending the retreat on-site is between £120 – £200.
If you have any difficulties with the suggested amounts, please let us know.
To book please email info@gomdescotland.org
Making Offerings:
It is traditional to make offerings to the teacher following retreat, which enables practitioners to show their appreciation to the teacher. Please give what you can afford. This can be done at the end of the retreat, or you are welcome to make a donation online via the website and let us know.
We look forward to seeing you here!
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