This will be a special month, and we are very happy that Lama Öser will be staying from 6 September to 19 September and you are all welcome to join in the teachings and practice at Gomde Scotland. –

Friday 9th Sept. (Medicine Buddha day) to Sunday 11 Sept. (Guru Rinpoche Day)! A Weekend of practice and teachings based on the importance of having personal guidance and a teacher when practicing meditation. There will be plenty of time for personal questions about your practice.

Volunteer Week12 – 16 Sept. Some Tender Loving Care for Gomde – we need a helping hand for all kinds of jobs from in the shrine room to down in the woodland and there is such a thing as a free lunch for volunteers 🙂

Friday afternoon 16 Sept. (Full Moon) t0 Sunday afternoon 18 September 2016. Teachings and meditation with Lama Öser. Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche says Lama  Öser’s know exactly what we need: the text he has chosen includes essential instructions from Paltrul Rinpoche see:


Timings: Friday teaching 3-5pm, Sat & Sun teachings 10-12.30pm pot luck lunch (please bring something nice to share) 2.30-5pm. Donations gladly received to cover costs, suggest £50 for all 3 days or £10 per teaching session if you cannot join them all. 

We look forward to being together with you in Gomde Scotland. For more information please contact us at info@gomdescotland.org.