Good News for Gomde 2021

Gomde Scotland are delighted to announce we have been awarded a grant for building insulation, a polytunnel and gardening equipment.

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Help the Highland Heroes 2020

In the photo from left to right are heroes: Hilda, Andy, Joanne, Steve and Nima

We are be hugely grateful for all the things that were achieved with your support, by the onsite volunteers who braved the long cold winter and completed much needed works.

A big thanks to everyone who donated – you are our Highland Heroes too!

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Come Plant Trees 2020

Volunteers Needed for an Exciting Tree Planting Project
We are delighted to announce that we are receiving over 400 native trees from the Woodland Trust this year. In a happy coincidence we start this project on Rinpoche’s Birthday ☺ We need volunteer help to prepare the land and plant the trees and would be very grateful for your support.
The project will take place over five or six days between September and November and involve some general woodland project work, clearing an area of bracken and planting the trees in November.

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Volunteer opportunities at Gomde

This beautiful woodland hermitage is seeking residential volunteers to fulfill the summer season positions of Retreat Centre Manager and Land Manager. 

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Lama Oser – Teachings & Meditation 7-8 Sept. 2019

This weekend is our last event of 2019. It’s been a beautiful, blessed and busy year.

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Lama Oser – Local Schools Come to Visit 2019

For the last two years Lama Oser was invited to give teachings to over 60 pupils from the local schools and Academies, which has left a lasting impression. As one student put it

“I personally came out of this experience of meeting Lama Oser, wanting to become a better version of myself and try my hardest to be the kindest most considerate loving and happy person I can be”  

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Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche from 17 & 20 August 2019

We deeply appreciate and feel honored that Rinpoche came to Gomde Scotland to give teachings and transmissions. The cosy, intimate and family style of the small group teachings at Gomde Scotland make them very special. Rinpoche gave direct instructions and chose the text “Advice from old Vijaya”.

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The 21 day Outer Tara retreat 2019

The peaceful woodlands of Gomde Scotland are a perfect place for cultivating Samadhi. The retreat took place from July 2nd to July 22nd. It was lead by Lama Tenzin and Heidi Koeppl and was translated in to Chinese.

We have not yet covered all the costs for building the new retreat cabins built for the retreat. To connect and create auspicious conditions for further retreats and help support the finishing of the huts, please consider helping the crowd funding campaign

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Building retreat cabins for the Tara retreat

For the Tara retreat to happen, we urgently need your help and support. Especially now our chief builder, Michael has broken his arm! If you can work and help build the huts and new toilet block, get in touch. We are starting a new fundraiser and just for the Tara retreat facilities we need to raise £65,000. If you can help support financially, which would be deeply appreciated and it is very much needed, click the link below or see our donate page for other giving options.

And if the thought just makes you happy – please rejoice and add your prayers that we have the resources to finish all the preparations and create wonderful supportive “Lotus Seats” for all practitioners.

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Regular Activities at Gomde

We really enjoy gathering together for regular Dharma activities at Gomde Scotland. If you live locally and would like to be kept up to date about these events via our special weekly email, please contact us at The events include the “Dharma Sun-Days” an all day Dharma programme; with meditation, online teachings from Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and a study group on the famous text “The Way of a Bodhisattva”. We will also have regular volunteer days, a chance to be out in the fresh air tending the woodland as well as joining the meditation session. All are informal and welcoming events, open to everyone with pot-luck style hospitality and lunch. For more details Continue Reading »

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The Joy of Giving

Sharing and Caring with the Monks and Nuns
We are collecting for the offerings made at Tibetan New Year to the monks and nuns in Nepal by all the International students of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
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Let There Be Light – Electricity for Gomde

Lama Oser with Forres and Nairn Academy students

Help we have no electricity! We have managed to bring a new cable down to the hermitage, but need to raise £10,000 to put in the new wiring, get the safety certificate and bury a long cable to bring light to Rinpoche’s cabin. This means we can install solar panels too and feed back in to the grid so Gomde will be carbon neutral 🙂 Can you help – together we think we can do it! See our Helping page

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Medicine & Compassion with Dr. David Shlim

This was a very inspiring workshop about what compassion really is. We think we know, but most of us have not really thought deeply about it. Anyone who has ever been called upon to help others when they are having a hard time, may have wished they could have more. Continue Reading »

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Celebrating Greg’s wonderful legacy

Greg Whiteside, Gomde Trustee and a dear friend, brought an amazing positive and caring attitude to everything he did, and combined it with a high level of professionalism. Continue Reading »

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Welcome to the year of the Earth Dog 2145

Best wishes for the Tibetan New Year. We hope your year will be filled with kindness and harmony, as well as good health and happiness. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche so often reminds us of the importance of the practice of “Kindfulness” and in this New Year may we be able to take this to heart and learn to radiate out our love to the world.

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