Regular Activities at Gomde
We really enjoy gathering together for regular Dharma activities at Gomde Scotland. If you live locally and would like to be kept up to date about these events via our special weekly email, please contact us at The events include the “Dharma Sun-Days” an all day Dharma programme; with meditation, online teachings from Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and a study group on the famous text “The Way of a Bodhisattva”. We will also have regular volunteer days, a chance to be out in the fresh air tending the woodland as well as joining the meditation session. All are informal and welcoming events, open to everyone with pot-luck style hospitality and lunch. For more details
Every Sunday
10.00 am – meditation on Sakyamuni Buddha.
11.00 am -onwards we share video teachings from Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
12.30 pm -Our traditional pot-luck lunch.
14.00 pm -study group: Shantideva’s: “Bodhicaryavatara” – The Way of the Bodhisattvachance to
Every Monday
2.00 am -Traditional Sang Offering and meditaion
followed by opportunities to offer your skills as volunteers and care for the woodlands
Continue reading f17.30 pm study group – Shantideva’s: “Bodhicaryavatara” – The Way of the Bodhisattvachance to chance to chance to
Further Details
The study group on The Way of the Bodhisattva. (Sundays 2-5pm and Monday evening at 5.30pm)
We are joining the Rangjung Yeshe Shedra or University in Kathmandu as a study group; with a mixture of watching and discussing the topics together at Gomde and self-study; by watching them yourself at home. We will meet every Sunday afternoon starting at 2pm and Monday evening 5.30pm onwards.
This text is treasured by Buddhists of all traditions, and is a guide to cultivating the mind of enlightenment, and to generating the qualities of love, compassion, generosity, and patience. It has been studied, practiced, and expounded upon in an unbroken tradition for centuries, first in India, and later in Tibet. Presented in the form of a personal meditation in verse, it outlines the path of the Bodhisattvas—those who renounce the peace of individual enlightenment and vow to work for the liberation of all beings and to attain buddhahood for their sake.
Woodland Volunteer Open Days: lend a helping hand.
Needing some exercise, fresh air and company? Our volunteer days down in the woodland are perfect. Come along and help manage the woodland and gardens or maintain the Sangha cafe and workshop. Something for everyone. We start at 11am and take a break around 1pm for pot-luck lunch then in the afternoon we start about 2pm till 5pm. If you enjoy Tibetan practice, before we start we do a Sang incense offering in the Guru Lhakang at 10am.
Occasional Saturdays – Volunteer opportunities and the Early Evening Film
The Gomde Film group is sharing inspiring Dharma films in the new Buddha Temple hall on a large screen TV. Occasionally we meet to share on the lives of inspiring films about the masters, practitioners in the Himalayas and modern buddhists worldwide.
So come down to the woods – and be inspired.
All these activities are Free (but donations are welcome to keep supporting the Dharma activities).
The “Sangha Cafe” will be open during events, with pot-luck, picnic style hospitality.
All welcome and there are all kinds of things to do, so its suitable for everyone 🙂
We are still perfecting the programs and we will keep you posted of any updates.
Email us at if you have any questions and don’t forget to check the website
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